All in God's Plan Tier I helps parents in teaching their kids about human sexuality, the sacredness of life, and the importance of family. The program is age-specific and age-appropriate (girls 10-13* and boys 11-14*). It fosters communication between parent and child and reinforces the positives of life.
Questions? Contact Jena Kolles at 763-777-8602.
All in God’s Plan is a diocesan program that teaches parents and their kids about the beauty of human sexuality. Our main goal is equipping parents to be “the first and foremost educators of their children.” (Familiaris Consortio, 36) By helping parents understand what the Church teaches, they will be better prepared for specific questions, will encourage open conversation, and will give a consistent witness to the beauty of God’s plan that we have been made in His image.
What to Expect:
These events are designed to protect the innocence of the most innocent child in the room. It is the responsibility of the parents to review the agendas and decide if or when these events are right for their child.
BBQ Content
When I was Your Age (emphasizing virtue, dealing with typical grade school problems like peer pressure, bullying, etc., building the relationship between father and son)
All In God’s Plan (a presentation by a Catholic doctor on the physical changes that come with puberty)
Chivalry (showing respect for girls)
Games that encourage father/son cooperation and getting to know one another better
It’s Great to Be a Girl Content
Girls are created in the image of God; they are beautiful, and modesty protects that beauty; motherhood and femininity are a gift to be treasured.
When I was Your Age (a personal talk about how a relationship with your parents can be helpful in growing up, and communicating the importance of prayer)
All in God’s Plan (a presentation by a Catholic doctor on the physical changes that come with puberty, including menstruation)
Questions? [email protected] or (763) 777-8602
We also have a small lending library of recommended books in the Family Formation office.