Our Teaching Parish Seminarian, Gerald Thornton (from the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota), was assigned to our parish in the fall of 2022 during his second year of studying theology at St. Paul Seminary his fifth year of seminary overall. He will share his journey towards priesthood with us over three years until his priestly ordination in May 2025.
Update - October 2024My mom, dad, and sister (with her family) attended a Sunday Mass at my summer assignment. The past few months have been a whirlwind of blessings, challenges, and deep spiritual growth as I continue my journey toward the priesthood. On May 30, I was ordained as a transitional deacon and spent the summer serving as a deacon at a parish in the Diocese of Sioux Falls and learning as much as I could about preaching, celebrating baptisms, funerals, weddings, parish administration, and whatever else will help me serve the people of God. I helped with a couple of youth camps and vocations camps, and was blessed to attend the National Eucharist Congress with all the other seminarians from my Diocese. While the summer presented its fair share of challenges—like when I forgot how to sing the “Lord have mercy” during Mass—each mistake reminded me that my role is secondary to God's work through me.
I am now entering into my final year of Seminary studies — the end of an eight-year process! I look forward to continuing to learn from all of you at the Church of Saint Paul as your Teaching Parish Seminarian. While this is my final year of theological studies, it feels like I am just beginning the lifelong journey of learning how to be a priest conformed to Christ the Good Shepherd. As I prepare for my priestly ordination (scheduled for Thursday, May 29, 2025, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Sioux Falls), I am constantly reminded that the heart of priesthood is service—serving Christ and serving His people. I am so grateful for your continued willingness to welcome me into your community, and I look forward to seeing you all the next time I am there for a weekend!
Deaconate Ordination - May 2024
Gerald Thornton became a transitional deacon (on the way to priesthood) on May 30, 2024, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Sioux Falls.
Teaching Parish Seminarian - September 2022
My name is Gerald Thornton and I am a seminarian for the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I am currently in my second year of studying theology at St. Paul Seminary my fifth year of seminary overall and I have the privilege of being the new teaching parish seminarian at the Church of St. Paul! God willing, I will have the opportunity to share my journey towards priesthood with you over the next three years.
I was born and raised in the city of Sioux Falls. My parents, Larry and Teresa, were very intentional in handing on their Catholic faith to me and my three older sisters. I grew up attending Mass (albeit reluctantly most of the me), praying the rosary, and celebrating All Saints Day in addition to Halloween. After my receiving my first Holy
Communion, I started altar serving and quickly fell in love with it. Although it was not apparent to me until after entering seminary, this was the beginning of my desire to
discern priesthood.
When I was about to start kindergarten, my parents decided to begin homeschooling us. We joined a Catholic homeschool coop named St. Margaret’s Fellowship. It was
a very vibrant community with many extracurricular activities such as ultimate frisbee, ballroom dancing, and theater (which ranged from Shakespeare to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat).
I graduated high school in 2016 and enrolled in a software engineering program at the University of Nebraska/Lincoln. During the summer after my freshman year at UNL, I had a profound encounter with Christ and decided to follow His invitation to discern a vocation to priesthood. I was accepted as a seminarian by the Diocese of Sioux Falls. I started by seminary journey at St. John Vianney Minor Seminary at the
University of St. Thomas where I graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Catholic Studies.
I am fascinated by the many ways that Christ is made present in my life; every day is pregnant with the possibility of encountering Him in a new way. A large part of my education in Christian life has come from the lay movement called Communion and Liberation. The Catholic Church has so many beautiful charisms!
I hope I will get a chance to meet many of you over these next few years. I am looking forward to sharing life with you and becoming part of your community.