Your tithe is important, not just because it is the primary means by which the parish receives financial support for operations and ministries, but because it is also an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us to return a portion of them back to Him for use by His Church.
You can donate to the Church of Saint Paul in several ways: Give via Venmo: @churchofsaintpaul or scan:
Or text your donation:
Mail in your weekly offertory. Please indicate your desired fund on the memo line of your check (ex: Sunday Collection, Family Emergency Funds).
Mailing Address:
Church of Saint Paul
1740 Bunker Lake Blvd NE
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Our parish has established the Church of Saint Paul Cornerstone Endowment Fund in partnership with the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota. Endowment funds are designed to provide stable, ongoing support. Gifts to the fund will grow through prudent, faith-aligned investing. Each year, we will be able to rely on a distribution from the fund to help us carry out our mission and ministry. More information
Our parish mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be the Catholic community where souls of this generation discover a loving, personal relationship with God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Your financial support will enable us to meet those goals.
We promise to be good stewards of the tithes and donations given to the Church of Saint Paul. View our 2024 Annual Report to Parishioners to learn about the impact your donation has on our parish and community.