Mission Statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ by bringing people into a loving, personal relationship with God, living in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in communion with the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church of Saint Paul is a living, dynamic community loved into being by the Father, nourished by Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and empowered by the Holy Spirit to become the Body of Christ alive in our world today.
Our primary mission is to lead everyone to a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and open hearts to the loving power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within. Our parish has a strong tradition of dedication to God’s Word, joyful and reverent celebration of the sacraments, generous stewardship, intentional discipleship, and fellowship opportunities for all ages.
Our Core Values
As members of the Church of Saint Paul, we dedicate ourselves to these core values:
• To deepen our Christian formation and that of our families, walking together in the light of God’s Word and the teaching of the Catholic Church.
• To pray daily and worship regularly with our parish community, with devotion for the Lord’s Day, the sacraments, and praise.
• To be attentive to the needs of our fellow parishioners and the needs of those beyond our parish, fulfilling the law of Christ by loving others as He has first loved us.
• To build up our parish in love as the Spirit equips us for the work of ministry, exercising the gifts given us by the Spirit of God.
• To honor the Lord and support the Church with our prayer of faith and our tithe offering, witnessing to God’s presence in our lives through our grateful and generous response.
Since our beginning in 1981, we have believed that we are called to be a Catholic Community where each parishioner can establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As we allow Christ to transform us into the people He has called us to be, we seek to share the Good News of His love and salvation with all we encounter. We do this in the way we live our lives for Jesus Christ according to the teachings of the Catholic Church in the power of the Holy Spirit.
This relationship with the persons of the Trinity draws us into our worship together in the celebration of the Eucharist, as well as our personal prayer. At the heart of our life of prayer is a dedication to the Word of God and a focus on the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. At the Church of Saint Paul we support the family as a fundamental component of the Christian life. God has given each of us many gifts as individuals and as a community of believers and we believe that we are called to share those gifts both within the community and with others we encounter in daily life. May God be with us and draw us more completely into His life as we together live for Him.
By the grace of God and the Authority of the Apostolic See, John R. Roach, Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, issued a Decree in the spring of 1981, establishing a new parish in the Ham Lake area of Anoka County. Father Timothy F. Nolan, the founding pastor, conducted Masses for the first three years at the Bunker Hills Activity Center.
A majestic pyramid shaped church of stone and cedar, with seating for 1,000, was built in 1983 & 1984, with volunteer labor accounting for 60 percent of the construction. This working side by side generated a unique sense of family and Christian Community that continues to be a hallmark of the parish as members generously support church efforts with their time, talent, and treasure.
With worship as its first priority, the parish developed a strong, spirit-filled focus of praise and worship that permeates all its gatherings. There was from the beginning a strong belief that God has a special plan for this parish, a plan that is especially released in the heart of community worship.
Father Tim Nolan retired June 13, 2004 as pastor of the Church of Saint Paul (COSP). Before leaving, Father Nolan established an Endowment Fund to support future vocations. To donate to the Father Tim Nolan Vocation Fund, send your tax-deductible contribution to the Church of Saint Paul, designating support for the Vocations Fund or contribute online.
Given the firm foundation of the parish, it continued to move forward under the guidance of Father Jon Vander Ploeg from 2004 to 2013. Father Jon helped the parish grow deeper roots in its worship, prayer, and spiritual life.
In July 2013, Father Tim Norris was appointed pastor of the Church of Saint Paul. He helped the parish continue to trust in the Lord and encouraged us all to open ourselves to the Lord's loving and unending mercy and forgiveness.
Fr. Jim Livingston arrived in June 2016 as our new pastor and he is leading us into our parish's next 40 years. Fr. Jim is continuing the strong tradition here of dedication to God’s Word, joyful and reverent celebration of the sacraments, generous stewardship, intentional discipleship, and fellowship opportunities for all ages.